In the intervening month between this post and my last (I set myself a simple goal--one post a week--and blow it only two months in), I've fallen in love with the North Dakota third-grader. With streetwise smarts at the level of a Chicago kindergartener, these students are reminding me how kids can take a person to the highs and lows of self-esteem.
Last Friday, a third-grade girl asked me to stand "just for a second" in front of her. After I stared back at her quizzically, she explained, "You're just so beautiful, Miss Robertson." Monday's third-graders, on the other hand, picked up on a different attribute: "Miss Robertson, you smell like shrimp." I like to think this comment was based on my super awesome Miss Frizzle-style crustacean earrings (thanks, Dani!). I also like to remind myself that North Dakotans have most likely not even been exposed to shrimp, so it's possible this girl thought that the shrimp's scent is a sweet-smelling cross between roses, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and California oranges.
Despite the crustacean comparisons, it is good to be back in North Dakota's schools after a week in my old Chicago haunts. There's nothing like being greeted, too, with snow on the ground, Christmas tunes weakly sung by a gaggle of blond fourth graders in a school gym, and a fridge of canned plums, canned peas, and canned sauerkraut juice.
(Photo courtesy of Wegmans,
the best grocery store in the lower 48.) |
As to that "Kraut juice"? Not as delicious as one might think, but anything in the fight against scurvy. Skol!